Why Hire A Professional Cleaning Service?

Why Hire A Professional Cleaning Service

Why Hire A Professional Cleaning Service

Hello there. My name is Sheila Ingram. I’m the general manager at Heavenly Touch Maids, putting a short video together today where we answer two questions. Why hire a third party to do your cleaning? That’s question one, and question two. Why hire a professional cleaning service versus underground cleaner? An independent contractor, really an illegitimate business that usually doesn’t have insurance and runs things under the table.

Why hire a third party to do your cleaning?

For your health.

We clean for health and proper cleaning and maintenance of a home are vital for disease prevention and the reduction of indoor air pollution, which is worse for health than outdoor air pollution.

Take dust, for example. Did you know that 60% of household dust comes from outside? It can contain dirt, textile fibers, pollen, hair flakes, residuals from cleaning products or household products, decaying organic matter, dust mites, fungus, viruses, bacteria, and other wide variety of contaminants. And indoor dust can harm your health and damage your property.

You don’t have time.

It seems today people are working more hours and a lot more people are working from home.

For peace of mind.

I think we can all agree you can breathe more easily in a clean space.

You’re not physically able to do your own cleaning.

For any reason you are unable to do your own cleaning, hiring a third party to do your cleaning is necessary.

To protect your properties.

Professional cleaning maintains not just health and cleanliness but also the value of your home or property.

So cleaning has not always been considered the most glamorous of professions. Think about Cinderella or the janitor at your elementary school.

Science is changing this perception and cleaning as a profession is growing more in value.

There is an important relationship between a clean environment and health. And that brings me to my second question. Why hire a professional cleaning service versus someone that runs more of an underground business?

To be a successful cleaning professional in today’s competitive workplace, you have to participate in ongoing training to stay ahead of the curve. I’m not talking training by looking up YouTube videos and seeing what the latest YouTube cleaning person has to say. I’m talking about training that uses best practices and standards from the giants in the cleaning industry.

One of those giants is ISSA, stands for International Sanitary Supply Association, and they have a residential division called ARCSI, and that stands for Association of Residential Cleaning Services International. These professionals are dedicated to improving the standard of professionalism in the residential space.

ISSA has a budget of about 5 billion. They regularly lobby Congress, they are responsible for GBAC certified facilities such as a Chicago airport Los Angeles airport, both convention centers, and the GBAC certified facilities. These are true professionals, and so when we say we are ARCSI certified, that actually means something.

Our main focus is to protect your health and your property, and we are fully covered with insurance for your protection. That’s how we manage risk and how you manage it. We have workers’ compensation, liability, riders, and umbrellas. Many of these underground cleaners, which we call illegitimate businesses, they have no insurance.

So, if they get injured on your property, you could be sued. Or if they look at the latest YouTube star, they tell them to use vinegar and they’re spraying it on your marble, in a few seconds, you’re going to have some issues. So, by hiring a professional cleaning services like Heavenly Touch Maids, you’re buying into developed systems, processes, insurance, and the highest standards.

Thank you so much for watching this video. Visit us at Heavenly Touch Maids. That’s heavenlytouchmaids.com on the internet or call (330) 929 3410. See you soon.


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