
How To Clean Bamboo Flooring: Pros and Cons

How To Clean Bamboo Flooring  Hi, this is Sheila at Heavenly Touch Maids. We serve the greater Cleveland and Akron area. If you hear that noise in the background, we are reporting to you from the bird sanctuary and those are the birds letting us know how they feel at this moment.  Understanding Bamboo Flooring […]

How To Clean Rust Stain Safely and Effectively

How To Clean Rust Stain Safely and Effectively  Hi, this is Sheila at Heavenly Touch Maids here in Akron, Ohio. We serve Akron and the greater Cleveland area. And today’s question is how do I get a rust stain off of porcelain?  Wrong Way To Remove Rust Stain Do I use chlorine bleach, let’s say? […]

How To Clean Marble Surfaces

How To Clean Marble Surfaces Hi, this is Sheila at Heavenly Touch Maids. We serve the greater Akron and Cleveland area. And today’s question is what should I use to clean my marble surface? The Dangers of Acid-Based Cleaners You don’t want to use anything that’s acid based. That’s a pH of less than 7, […]

Covid-19 Announcement

At Heavenly Touch Maids, the health and safety of our clients and staff always comes first.  We observe all safety protocols and follow the latest federal and state guidance.
We are now wearing masks and gloves, and each employee carries a supply of hand sanitizer.
Our management team takes the temperature of each employee every day to ensure our staff is healthy before being dispatched.