Akron Ohio House Cleaning Services

Akron Ohio House Cleaning Services: Get Your Home Sparkling Clean! If you’re in Akron, Ohio and you’re looking for a way to get your home sparkling clean, then you’re in luck! Heavenly Touch Maids has a plethora of residential cleaning services, ranging from niche offerings to complete general cleaning services. No matter what you’re looking […]

Why Hire A Professional Cleaning Service?

Why Hire A Professional Cleaning Service Hello there. My name is Sheila Ingram. I’m the general manager at Heavenly Touch Maids, putting a short video together today where we answer two questions. Why hire a third party to do your cleaning? That’s question one, and question two. Why hire a professional cleaning service versus underground […]

Covid-19 Announcement

At Heavenly Touch Maids, the health and safety of our clients and staff always comes first.  We observe all safety protocols and follow the latest federal and state guidance.
We are now wearing masks and gloves, and each employee carries a supply of hand sanitizer.
Our management team takes the temperature of each employee every day to ensure our staff is healthy before being dispatched.